How to Create a YouTube channel and do YouTube SEO in 2021? Oh, you are bored no worries just look at some YouTube videos, you want to learn how to make a dish no problem go to YouTube, you want to learn about a subject you should go check that on YouTube.
Do you know how many people surf on YouTube on a daily basis? The monthly active YouTube users are about 2.3 billion as of the statistics of 2021. YouTube has been ranked in the second position as the most popular social media platform.
YouTube was founded in 2005 by, Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim, and Steve Chen, they were at that moment working employees of the American company PayPal. One day they randomly thought that people would love sharing their videos on a platform and they created the amazing YouTube.
YouTube did not go viral in a day, but slowly picked up at its pace, and then it had somewhat 30,000 visitors per day. YouTube was formally introduced on 15th December 2005, the reach went up to 2 million per day, and in 2006 it was increased by 25 million views, and after some time it had more than 100 million videos per day.
How to Create a YouTube channel and do YouTube SEO in 2021

Do you know why YouTube has so much traffic? Because it has what youngsters want, plus it’s free, where are you going to get free content with your favorite you tubers?
Let’s talk about some main features of YouTube:
• The users can search for any video and watch them
• You can create your own channel
• You can like, share and comment on other videos
• You can create your own playlist
• You can follow and subscribe to other YouTube channels
How can you create a YouTube channel?
If you are looking for starting your own channel but don’t know how to do it? Don’t worry you have landed it in the correct place. Come on then let’s start with the basics.
1. Sign in to your Google account
If you want to have your own YouTube channel or want to surf videos on YouTube or like, subscribe comment, and share you have to have a Google account. First, go to and then click on the Sign-In button which you will find on the corner, and then you will straightway go to the sign-in page on Google. How to Create a YouTube channel and do YouTube SEO in 2021.
• If you already have a Google account, you will be led to the sign-in page. • In case, you have more than one Google account be assured of which account you want to continue with for your YouTube channel.
• And by chance if you don’t have a Google account, click on “Create Account” and follow the steps to register yourself in.
2. Create a YouTube channel using your Google account
• Once you have signed in to your Google account, you can now create your channel. Go and click on the user icon on the right corner. This will represent both your Google ad YouTube accounts. Now you can see that there is drop-down menu and now you will find settings there, click on that.
• From here you will be taken to your in-process YouTube channel, after that you have to click on “Your channel” and you will find “Create a new channel.”
• Now you have to create a brand account. You can choose whatever name you want for your channel it’s not necessary that you have to use your Google account name. Whatever name you choose will represent you as well as your content on your YouTube channel. How to Create a YouTube channel and do YouTube SEO in 2021.
• Once you have entered the name of your brand account, you will get a text or call to verify your account. Then you have to enter the code you
got, after this process, your account will be verified and then you’ll straightway be taken to the dashboard for your channel. Now you have to start personalizing your account.
3. Navigate to the Customize Channel page
• Now you will click on the dashboard option and then click on “Customize channel.”
• Now you have arrived on the channel customization page.
• Over there will be three tabs; Branding, Basic info, and Layout, and these handles will help you optimize your channel for viewers.
4. Add your basic info for your channel
• Click on Basic info
• Under this option you will write the basic information about your channel, for example, the language for your videos, with a description which will help discover about your channel when someone enters similar search terms. How to Create a YouTube channel and do YouTube SEO in 2021.
• You can add links that you want to share with your viewers; these links will be available above your banner image.
5. Apply branding elements to your channel
• You should have a profile picture because this will help your viewers to identify you.
• Insert your banner image this will help you promote your channel and help you be recognized among the viewers.
• You should indeed have a video watermark to let people know that it’s your video and you have authorization over it.
How to optimize your YouTube channel
Optimizing your channel means making it desirable for people to watch and working on the trafficking of your channel so that it comes under the top searches.
Optimizing does not mean that videos have to be correct, comprehensible, or standard, it means that now when you have started uploading videos you will also have to start optimizing them.
1. Title
The most important thing in a video is its title which helps us locate the viewer of the video he is searching for, the title has to be the most precise thing because that will only decide if the viewer will click on your video or not.
2. Description
The description should not be exceeded for more than 1,000 characters and remember people came to watch your video not to read about the story behind your video so keep it short and add only the necessary things. One thing that you should know is that YouTube only shows the first three lines of your description so bombard that description with the most important keywords of your video.
3. Tags
As we all know that tags are something that leads you to the context of the content and the same thing is with the YouTube channel, you should know how to add important tags to your video so that the viewer lands on your video. But remember you don’t have to add unnecessary tags to your video as that can be misleading.
4. Category
When you are uploading your video make sure to choose the right category for the content of your video, you should know what category is working well for your content and then choose wisely. How to Create a YouTube channel and do YouTube SEO in 2021.
Now you have not only created your channel but you also have customized it.
References: Zantal-Wiener, A. (2021). How to Create a YouTube Channel Step-by-Step. Retrieved 26 March 2021, from