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Top 10 Features of Google Search Console

Top 10 Features of Google Search Console. The best tool which is completely free and provided by Google is Google Search Console. This tool is very helpful for maintaining website owners track, troubleshoot, and rank in SERPs. This is a great tool as it helps you to understand that Google sees your site and it also helps you work on its technical performance. 

Search console is very easy to use because Google’s search engines always keep changing the algorithm to improve the quality for its users. The capacity to give the most ideal responses to any inquiry question is the unending objective.

What is Google Search Console?

What is Google Search Console?
Google Search Console

Let’s start by understanding what Google search console is. Google search console also known as GSC, is an application that allows admin scan and manages their websites with the help of an official port, which has a number of helpful statistics.

Google search console is a communication channel. Search Console accounts are the principle, and official manner by which Google speaks with singular site proprietors. By having an enrolled account, Google can send website admin’s data about webpage issues, mistakes, or penalties. It likewise gives some restricted tools to permit you to get in touch with them about site issues and highlight demands. 

If you regularly enhance your website, then you should know that SEO is never done. You always have to improve your content and look after your site setting and decrease your search console gives you the tools which help you to take care of this day errors. Google day management. Features of Google Search Console It helps you with tasks like delivering and scanning your XML sitemap, and you can ask Features of Google Search Console Google to review your errors or ask them how they look at certain pages and URL’s on your website. This is what Google search console is.

How to set up Google search console

If you want to learn about Google search console you will also have to know how to set up a Google search console.

How to set up Google search console
How to set up Google search console
  • Go to Google search console
  • Now the first step is to log in. if by any chance you have Google Analytics, log into the account by using the details that you used for your Analytics account. On the other hand you can also log in with a Google account. Now if you don’t have one you will have to have one before continuing further. 
  • When you are done logging in click to the button where it is written, “Add to property” which you will find at the top of the page. 
  • Then type the URL of your website, and click on continue.
  • Then you will be requested to answer weather you have your own website, in one of the ways from below.
  1. If you have a clear way in to the root of your website you can upload an html file.
  2. If you take care of your hosting by yourself, you can confirm via your hosting provider.
  3. If you use Google tag manager, you can confirm your verification through Google tags.
  4. And one of the most easy and quick method is to confirm your ownership via your Google analytics tracking ID. 
  • On the off chance that you as of now have a Google Analytics Tracking ID introduced, and we would strongly suggest that you do, at that point setting up Google Search Console is extremely simple. Features of Google Search Console Basically click the Verify button, and that is it! This is how you set up goggle search console.

Top 10 features of Google Search Console

Keyword Analysis through Search Queries

One very important part which is offered by the Google search console is the performance report. The report gives you the keywords that your website ranks for and that are called queries. 

Assess user interaction

The performance report by the Google search console will provide you with total clicks, The total number of impressions, and your average click-through rate along with the average position. These four categories help you know what users are doing on your website. 

Page position in search results

With the help of this measure, you will be able to see where every page in your website ranks for particular keywords. This can also be used to track your ranks when you are done by making adjustments.

Site coverage

With the coverage report, the number of pages that you’ve submitted utilizing an XML sitemap can measure up to the genuine number of pages listed by Google. This is unimaginably useful for bigger locales.

Submit pages for indexing

There is an URL inspection tool under the Google search console which permits you to deliver pages that are yet to be indexed by Google.

Errors and un-index able pages

Google logs blunders for you in the inclusion report. You can realize what hasn’t been ordered and why so you can make redresses.

Sitemap submission

When you use sitemaps, you can deliver them straight to Google with the help of a search console.

Mobile-first indexing

The number of Google users is gradually increasing on smartphones, it is very important that you have a website that is indexed for mobile. Google search console permits you to tap on mobile usability. If parts of your website are not optimized you will know the reason behind it by the utility.

Links to your site

This shows the links which are linked to your sites. It will also inform you about the pages which have more links.

Penalty reviews

If Google finds out that you have breached any of its guidelines for quality, it has the authority to take any action towards your site. This can also mean that your site and your ranks can be taken done from the search engine. These actions are usually taken under the circumstances if they find out if you have bought backlinks, Features of Google Search Console keyword stuffing, low-quality content, or sly redirects. Penalties can also be given if by any chance your website was hacked.

This where I part ways, I hope this helped you understand what is Google search console and about its features.

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